lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

(post 2) The creepiest movie I have ever watched!

I'll be honest, I hate horror movies, they are never good and leave you thinking about the ugly parts.
But I'll talk about one that I found interesting-more by context than by good-
Insidious, my father insisted we see it so I accepted.
The movie is a little boy who has the ability to astral travel (off the soul from the body in a dream) in his journey he meets a demon who wants to take over your body.
The interesting thing here is that my best friend also has the ability to have astral travel constantly and that night I slept over at his house.
   I had the idea that something bad would happen if I let her sleep, I began to plan how to get to the room of his brother in case a devil incarnate in his body.

Just recommend the movie, it was fun. In the end I liked it because it achieved its goal.
My friend was not visited by any demon, which I think is healthy for your mind and soul.

I hope everyone has a night like mine, never forget.
Greetings, greetings.

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