viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

what is it.

Hello every one, I will speak about this lovely place that I want to visit.
I choose Argentina because I want to travel for all Latino America, so when I finish with Chile, I'll start with the most close country from south to north, and there is Argentina.

I wich to visit the atlantic sea. The patagonic argentina the big metrópolis and the Little town. Salta, for example, that is in the north, that is the place that i want to go, and after that crossing the Antes, and visit Calama, my natal city. I know that their culture is very similar to ours, we have same history afeter all, but  that is the coolest, see the diferences between we and them to know how our cultures are forged, to survey our Latin American culture. It is very importannt , independt that we ar very similar with the USA "pop" culture, but we are the same, so he have to work to make this reconciliation and heal old wounds.
There is another reason for go, people that I want to know personally. cyber friend, with an intersting live, you know... to weave networks of universal love .

Well I don't have more words, so See you in Hell, and x o x o.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice Valentina!

    What is the comparative of "Close"?

    Have a look at :

    The word you need is "I WISH" to visit the Atlantic Sea (and proper names are with Capital Letter!).

    Finally, when you talk about the city or place you where born in you talk about your "Hometown" : Calama is my hometown.

    Use a ductionary to check or look up new words.

    2 points
