domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

La Pelá

Hello hello

This time I will talk about one of my favorite works, his name is "Pelá" and is part of a series of nine self portraits called "Introspective Suppression", consisting of 40x40 canvas painted with oil, and this is my favorite.
It was the first thing I did between March and May 2013 commissioned by my central workshop. It was the result in suceción of experiments, both in the model and painting from a photo of myself, started a suppression of my traits, I started with the eyebrow, then the hair, eyes, and so experimetnando with all different. The pelagic was the first, I like the expression you have, the alarm, it is as destroyed but still victorious. ugly according to normal standards, but so beautiful, so stunning and serene, overcoming all obstacles and flourish.
The image, the process of painting tell a story by itself, and it got rid of me or what I could have done, is no longer a self-portrait, is a character in itself and I love it.

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