domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

La Pelá

Hello hello

This time I will talk about one of my favorite works, his name is "Pelá" and is part of a series of nine self portraits called "Introspective Suppression", consisting of 40x40 canvas painted with oil, and this is my favorite.
It was the first thing I did between March and May 2013 commissioned by my central workshop. It was the result in suceción of experiments, both in the model and painting from a photo of myself, started a suppression of my traits, I started with the eyebrow, then the hair, eyes, and so experimetnando with all different. The pelagic was the first, I like the expression you have, the alarm, it is as destroyed but still victorious. ugly according to normal standards, but so beautiful, so stunning and serene, overcoming all obstacles and flourish.
The image, the process of painting tell a story by itself, and it got rid of me or what I could have done, is no longer a self-portrait, is a character in itself and I love it.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

(post 2) The creepiest movie I have ever watched!

I'll be honest, I hate horror movies, they are never good and leave you thinking about the ugly parts.
But I'll talk about one that I found interesting-more by context than by good-
Insidious, my father insisted we see it so I accepted.
The movie is a little boy who has the ability to astral travel (off the soul from the body in a dream) in his journey he meets a demon who wants to take over your body.
The interesting thing here is that my best friend also has the ability to have astral travel constantly and that night I slept over at his house.
   I had the idea that something bad would happen if I let her sleep, I began to plan how to get to the room of his brother in case a devil incarnate in his body.

Just recommend the movie, it was fun. In the end I liked it because it achieved its goal.
My friend was not visited by any demon, which I think is healthy for your mind and soul.

I hope everyone has a night like mine, never forget.
Greetings, greetings.

The best concert

Hello, hello 
For this occasion I will tell you about the wonderful experience it was to see System Of a Down in Chile, occurred in October 2011, my best friend traveled from Calama to visit me, she had $ 30,000 a can of tuna and a packet of noodles , ofcourse: highly motivated to have a good time. When we saw that the concert was the third day, we look and say no, we ran to the store where they sold and bought tickets. 
When the day came we were very excited. As a matter of chance, we entered "vip field," very close to the stage. 
After the opening band played, people began to exert pressure, the mass separated me from my best friend. We never saw again until the band left the stage. 
The best was that even when we knew we were far apart feeling the same and connected to a sea of ​​people pounding pace with us. It was perfect, a very exciting concert that was alone, but connected with everyone there. 

I'll never forget, I'm not even a fan of System, but after that their music became one of my favorite tunes of life. 

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

what is it.

Hello every one, I will speak about this lovely place that I want to visit.
I choose Argentina because I want to travel for all Latino America, so when I finish with Chile, I'll start with the most close country from south to north, and there is Argentina.

I wich to visit the atlantic sea. The patagonic argentina the big metrópolis and the Little town. Salta, for example, that is in the north, that is the place that i want to go, and after that crossing the Antes, and visit Calama, my natal city. I know that their culture is very similar to ours, we have same history afeter all, but  that is the coolest, see the diferences between we and them to know how our cultures are forged, to survey our Latin American culture. It is very importannt , independt that we ar very similar with the USA "pop" culture, but we are the same, so he have to work to make this reconciliation and heal old wounds.
There is another reason for go, people that I want to know personally. cyber friend, with an intersting live, you know... to weave networks of universal love .

Well I don't have more words, so See you in Hell, and x o x o.

